In Western culture, concepts like Tantric massage, sexual energy, yoni, lingam are associated mainly with eroticism. The misconception is supported by the fact that most people who offer yoni and lingam tantric massage actually offer erotic massages that end in orgasm. They have nothing to do with spirituality and healing, which are the basis of tantric massage.
What does the word lingam mean?
The word linga/lingam is derived from Sanskrit with meanings such as “sign”, “symbol”, “emblem”, “seal”, “manifestation”, “creation”. Linga is a religious symbol in Hinduism and in other relics and spiritual paths in the Himalayan area representing the god Shiva. It represents all existence, the entire universe, infinite power, creativity, and fertility.

What does tantric lingam massage look like?
A tantric massage session may or may not include intimate massage. In the case of lingam massage, it is not even recommended to focus on intimate places during the first session. We will achieve the best and most lasting effects if we gradually unlock the energy in our body, which is why we recommend lingam massage at the second or third tantric massage session.
To begin with, we suggest using the Wide Open Senses massage, which does not include intimate massage but only contains a transient touch, with long movements from the feet to the chest. This is the best type of massage for people starting their journey of personal and spiritual development and healing with tantric massage. Gently stimulates the body to feel more in everyday life, releases blockages and allows the free flow of energy in the body.

Marma points:
The tantric lingam massage we perform focuses on movements derived from Taoist practices. These movements are mainly compressions and stretch in various places. During the lingam tantric massage, we focus our attention on marma points – vital points. They are in a place where energy channels connect or cross.
In these places, the blood vessels, muscles, ligaments, nerves and bones adjoin each other. There are 72,000 energy channels and 107 marma points throughout the human body, which are also called secondary chakras. Most of us probably only heard about the seven main chakras. The marma points consist of 21 smaller chakras and 86 micro chakras.
Marma points are equivalents of trigger points, where energy accumulates. It can be said that they act as switches. When we activate them properly, energy begins to flow freely through the energy channels where the marma points are. Ajuwerda, reflexology, acupressure, and acupuncture also deal with marma points. Pressure and stretch focusing on marma points will effectively unblock sexual energy.
The touch of a masseur can be delicate or deeper, and most often the masseur adjusts the intensity of pressure to the needs of the massaged person. The goal of lingam tantric massage is not only to improve the quality of sex life, but also the quality of life. Unlocked, freely flowing energy gives the feeling of ridding ourselves of a huge burden.
Because that’s how you can actually describe it. Emotions, fears, injuries accumulated over the years in our body, and in particular in intimate places, not only worsen the quality of sex life but affect the health of our entire body, spirit, and mind.
What benefits will a man feel after a tantric lingam massage?
At the sexual level, men will learn to better control their body. They will control sexual energy and libido. Lingam massage often evokes intense sexual sensations that quickly lead to ejaculation. But during a real tantric massage, it is infrequent for someone to feel close to ejaculation.
Ejaculation is not compatible with tantra. According to tantra, when the semen is released, the man loses the vital energy of Ojas, which cannot be recovered. Only men who are deeply initiated into the path of traditional tantra can recover it.
Sometimes during a massage, due to the unblocking of energy channels and the free flow of energy, a man may experience orgasms of the abdomen or throat, and even the whole body, but he will not be connected with ejaculation, and it will be without an erection. Whole-body orgasm occurs more often in women whose Shakti energy moves with greater freedom than in men.
Premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction:
Massage will improve blood circulation and help a man keep an erection longer. The man will be able to have longer relationships and the experience will be more intense. Gentlemen who are struggling with the problem of premature ejaculation will gain better control over energy.
Lingam massage will also help with problems with potency. It activates energy, restores sensation and starts physical and chemical processes in the body. Massage will restore natural physiological processes, which, combined with practice, a healthy lifestyle and work on your consciousness will allow you to enjoy deep sexual sensations with your partner again.
Greater possibilities of the partner also mean benefits for the partner. Many women cannot reach vaginal orgasm, and the main reason is that the duration of intercourse is too short. If a man learns to control his body and excitement, he will be able to give his partner more pleasure.
Interestingly, a woman can experience orgasm without the participation of a man. If he just works properly on his body, his female energy, he can reach orgasm without touching intimate places or any other part of the body. A woman with a good flow of Shakti energy and whom a woman can control, after a few minutes as a result of visualization, control of breath and work of consciousness, can reach orgasm.
Is one tantric lingam massage session enough for men?
Each man comes with different problems and expectations for a lingam tantric massage. Everyone has different baggage of experience, larger or smaller blocks, and you can’t prescribe one universal recipe for everyone. Sometimes one lingam massage is enough, and sometimes you need at least a few sessions.
It is not recommended to have an intimate massage at the first meeting. The most appropriate moment to include intimate places in the massage is the second or third session. Many men do this massage regularly, due to deep relaxation, relaxation of the whole body and the joy they feel after the session.