Tantric Massaging

History Of Tantric Massaging

Tantric massaging is a sensual experience that seeks to channel the sexual energies of the body for total healing and comfort. It involves genital stimulation and methods of breathing, along with complete body massages which help to relax both physically and emotionally. From this article you will learn more about tantric massaging and its history.

Tantric massaging takes the body to a state of total relaxation and leaves the client feeling relaxed and fulfilled.

Individuals sometimes misjudge tantric massage as something of a sexual facility. It’s important to remember that although the sensation is deeply arousing and sensual, there is no sexual contact involved in this massage. 

Masseuses actually use the body’s sexual energy to relax and have fun. If you don’t know, the sexual energy of your body is a really powerful strength, and tantric massage is a way to harness the power to achieve a self-aware state mentally, physically and sexually.

Many people also find it the best way to reach their desired goals. All men should have faith in one another in this sort of massage. A lot of people have been involved in this kind of massage for several decades. 

It has been shown that this interest is a helpful factor in unveiling how this massage is a great stress buster.

Tantric massaging is considerably more of an intimate massage. This means that you pay close attention to what the other person says. Some people are under the impression that sex is involved in this massage, but that notion is completely wrong and unfounded. Although it is a sensual massage, there is no sexual contact between the individuals involved in the massaging action. 

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The individual who receives the tantric massage helps another person to have complete control of their body. 

In most cases, this massage happens between people in close relationships, but may not always be valid. This massage may also be carried out by a trained professional.

Some people may experience discomfort, because it requires highly sexual interaction. 

But if you relax and fully trust another human, you’re not going to feel awkward, and you’re going to understand that tantra massage is one of the best kinds of massage in our society today. You’ll feel completely comfortable but you’ll still be wide awake.

If you are someone who loves trying out new things in life, then, in your life, tantric massage is a certain thing to consider. 

Tantric massage will arouse in you a deep sensual feeling and you will enjoy the whole pleasurable experience. First time individuals who try tantric massaging find it a bit too much to handle.

Origin Of Tantric Massage: Tantric Massaging

Tantra’s expression comes from the Sanskrit words tanoti and trayati, respectively, which means growing and freeing. Don’t confuse tantra with faith. It is an ancient Indian spiritual practice dating back to 5A.D, and has been used as meditative yoga. 

It is a part of Vedic culture and is associated with Shakti Goddess and Shiva Lord. The tantra’s goal was to achieve a high degree of spirituality through sensual touch and meditation. It has been in existence for more than 9,000 years.

Nonetheless, tantric massage was only recently developed. This massage therapy is a variant of tantra in physical form. 

The method uses manual therapy to stimulate the mind, and to calm the body. In Asia, tantric massage became extremely popular, and rapid implementation of various adaptations of this form.

While tantra is an Indian tradition, massage therapy did not emerge thousands of years ago in India. It became popular in the Rajneesh Pune ashram in the 1970s, and its popularity spread to California in the 1980s. In actuality, in the real sense tantric massage has very little to do with tantra. Even, though, it has its roots in tantra concepts.

Tantric massage is completely divided into receive and give. Roles are pretty stringent. If you are the recipient, then you must fully submit yourself to the giver’s enjoyment. 

So you’re essentially free to just enjoy and appreciate the pleasure of getting a relaxing, sensual massage without having to think about reciprocating.

Tantric Massage Approaches

The sensual and erotic practice of tantric massaging is achieved by mixing techniques. A tantric masseuse enhances the pleasure of the recipient and brings them to the point of orgasm using the sexual organs, sexual energy, sensual drive and erogenous areas of the body. It helps take the target to a whole new level of consciousness.

While the massage techniques used by therapists can vary, tantric massage sessions usually begin with a relaxing full body rub down. It sets the mood, and prepares the mind and body for relaxation practice. 

Sensual Couples Massages

After the receiver is comfortable, the therapist may gradually start moving up and down the whole body, front and back then front and excite different places, in compliance with the response or requests of the receiver. People are usually surprised at their body regions which excite them even if they are not of a sexual nature. 

Recipients are often so anxious from the moment the therapist enters the lingam region that one touch will set them off.

Tantric massaging is a very slow and methodical technique in general. Taking recipients back and forth from the brink of orgasm or climax, the therapist alternates between vigorous strokes and soft light touches.

It will be unpleasant but a very pleasurable ride and the discharge will be extremely satisfying when the ejaculation happens.

What Happens During Tantric Massaging?

A tantric massage normally ends with a yoni or lingam massage that activates the kundalini to pass through the body, creating moments of awakening~a blissful whole body orgasm, depending on the needs and progress of each person.

Unlike the sensual tantric massage exchanged by lovers or given by erotic masseurs, a tantric therapist does not use masturbation techniques on the lingam or yoni when igniting the flames of passion & pleasure within.

The methods are primarily designed to relax certain areas and create new sensations of anticipation.

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