Nicole's London Sensual Massage Naturist for you, Nuru, and FBSM in London

Welcome to Tantric East London Massage

I have brought this session to you by request. I am happy to show you the best ways to get in touch with your body. I request at least two hour sessions for this massage.


The session will guide you in effective breathing techniques to help you connect and be at one with your body. You will concentrate on this at the beginning of the session while your body is massaged. Once your breathing is established we can move on to noticing and sharing energy. Identify your sexual energy and start to increase and share it around your body. I will be there will you to guide you.


The next stage will be to float and ride the wave of sensations that you experience during the tantric massage.

Stages of the Tantric East London Massage

Step one: Relax


I will encourage you to relax. Lie down on your back or whatever position makes you feel relaxed. You can ask for a pillow for your head. Have you legs apart so that I am able to massage your body better. Try to breathe deeply and start to feel calm.


Step two: Breathe

Breathing is a beautiful way to help two people connect and achieve a blissful state. Start to imagine you are breathing in loving energy and pleasure as you breathe in and imagine sending out positive energy as you breathe out.

This technique will help you increase your intuition and be more aware of the sensations you are receiving.


Step three: Breathe deeply

I will check that you are starting to breathe deeply. I will assist you with this by breathing with you and matching your breath to mine.


Step four: Oil

I will apply oil on to your body and your scared area. I will apply the oil all around and make sure you are relaxed and happy with the touch. I will check what touch feels good for you and which bits are sensitive or ticklish.


Step five: Continue the massage

Lots of slow stokes will be applied to your body. Changing hands, speeds, rhythms, and areas.

Step 6: Prolong the sensation


You might be starting to feel heightened sensations. I will encourage you to ride this wave and to moving and embracing the feeling. I want it to last as long as possible. There is no rush in tantric massage.


Step 7: Other spots

At this point you can decide if you want to try other areas of your body to be massaged. We can talk about this before or during the massage. This is a time for you to explore new sensations and discover what you like.


Step 8: The ending

It is now up to you how you would like to end it. You may want to release of to learn to hold onto the energy and transmute the sensation to a full body experience.


Two hour massage £179 or £159 if you pay deposit.


Good To Know About Tantric Massage London


Tantric East London Massage or Tantric massage London is one of the most practical and accessible methods of finding lasting health and happiness. As you get in touch with your body and mind through Tantric massage methods, you become more aware of your needs, and what makes you feel truly alive. Tantric massage helps you to connect with your partner, and fosters intimacy.


What Is Tantric East London Massage


An ancient Indian art, Tantra massage is still very relevant today. It is a practice that helps you connect with your body and embraces your physical and emotional desires and needs. Tantric massage can help you find balance and harmony, and find new, creative ways to live your daily existence.


Tantric massage can be highly erotic it uses your sensual capacity to take your body and mind on a sensuous, blissful journey. Tantra massage uses and harnesses sexual energy for the purpose of healing the body and accessing higher states of consciousness. It is sometimes called the fast track to enlightenment, because its simple methods can connect you deeply in body, mind, and soul with your partner in a very short space of time. This can lead to deeper intimacy, such as lovemaking or tantric massage London.


One of the many benefits of Tantric East London Massage service in London is that you become more aware of your body. You may find that you eat more healthily, sleep more soundly, and generally take better care of yourself.


This can happen effortlessly the more you look after yourself, the more you want to keep feeling good. As a result, you may find that you feel positive, and your relationships improve. A heightened experience of physical pleasure is another benefit.


The massages teach you to ride waves of desire, rather than going for goal-oriented resolution, such as orgasm or ejaculation. You learn to spend more time enjoying the erotic moment. Tantric was the spiritual master who developed Tantric massage practices 7,000 years ago, with his female consort, Tantric East London Massage.


In Tantra, the man is sometimes referred to as Shiva, reflecting the fact that he embodies the universal masculine principle. The woman sometimes takes the name Shakti. Shiva expresses primarily masculine or yang traits such as purpose, and Shakti embodies feminine or yin traits of love and compassion. Tantra massage London recognizes that all people contain elements of both.


It also recognizes that when you bring these elements together, you enrich and energize each other. Bringing the forces of a man and woman together results in a potent explosion of energy. It is the merging of the masculine and feminine that creates life itself. Using this amazing energy in your massage is a truly erotic experience.


Tantric East London Massage will try to get full body contact and her attempts will make you have strong tactile sensations. These Tantric East London Massage will surprise you by their beauty and sexual experience!