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Self massage is a great solution for those who cannot afford a professional massage. It is also ideal for those who do not have someone around at all times that is able to perform this often needed therapy. Following are some tools and techniques for giving yourself a self massage for pain relief.
General Self Massage Techniques.
For effective pain relief, self massage should put gentle yet effective pressure on aching muscles. In the case of tight or cramped muscles, a massage must be able to pinpoint pressure on the affected area at appropriate angles to loosen the cramp. Use a gentle controlled pressure to begin, only increasing the pressure as necessary. There are many tools available to help you in your self massage endeavors for pain relief.
Wooden Massage Roller for Back Pain and Pain Along the Spine.
A wooden massage roller allows you to apply self massage to the back and area along the spine. You can lie on the floor with the roller underneath you, allowing your body weight to do the work. You can pinpoint specific areas this way. The increase the range of the self massage, you can slowly move your body up and down to allow the wooden roller to move along your back.
Although this self massage tool is made for the back, it can be used in the same manner for leg muscles and foot massage.
The Comfort Store has a wooden massage roller made of solid birch1. The dimensions are 15″ by 2 ½” You can get this wooden massage roller for $34.00, which includes free shipping.
GoFit Ultimate Foam Massage Roll for Self Massage.
The foam roller does not have special areas for pressure points, but can give a good overall self massage. For general achy muscles, the foam roller is a good option. This works in the same way as the wooden roller, above. However, as it is wider in circumference, the foam roller is easier to use when rolling your body back and forth across it for a fuller self massage.
Using special techniques and various body angles, you can massage almost any muscle on your body.
The foam roller for self massage comes in two sizes, 6″ by 18″ and 6″ by 36″. The longer foam roller is effective for a full side to side back massage, and the smaller roller is a little easier to work with for other body areas. You can purchase these foam rollers with an instructional DVD at Walgreens, the smaller style2 for £24.99, and the longer style3 for £39.99. There is a flat rate shipping charge of £6.99 each.
FibroBag Fibromyalgia Massage Pillow.
Although labeled for pain relief associated with fibromyalgia, the FibroBag massage pillow can be used for traditional self massage as well. The massage pillow encloses 13 – 4″ softer high density balls and 2 – 3 1/2″ firm high density balls. You can use this massage pillow for nearly any muscle group by varying your body position on the pillow. The enclosed balls allow more emphasis on pressure points than the wooden roller or foam roller.
Having the balls enclosed in a bag prevents them from rolling away while performing your self massage.
You can purchase the FibroBag Fibromyalgia Massage Pillow4 at eCrater for £39.95, plus $12.00 shipping to the United States mainland.
Fantastik Fingers 2 Ball Massager Self Massage Tool.
This self massage tool has a somewhat awkward appearance, but serves many functions from general to spot massage. There is a long plastic stick for full massage of body areas, or the end can be used to pinpoint specific tense points. The textured balls allow for foot massage or they can be removed to roll under muscles such as those in the arms or legs.
The plastic stick part of this self massage tool is knobbed, and can be used under the back in the same manner as the wooden roller and foam roller, above.
You can purchase the Fantastik Fingers 2 Ball Massager5 from Pretty Like Me, Inc. through Amazon WebStores for $15.95.
Body Back Buddy Self Massage Tool.
This tool has an ingenious design to allow for specific pressure nearly anywhere on the body. It is not meant for a general all-over massage, as there are curves and knobs. The s-shaped design and long length allow you to self massage hard to reach areas, and the knobs allow for pressure to go to specific troubled areas.
The overall design of the Body Back Buddy Self Massage Tool allows for effective massage with minimal effort and strength.
You can purchase the Body Back Buddy Self Massage Tool6 at The Comfort Store Direct for £39.99 with free UPS ground shipping.
Self Massage for Pain Relief.
When beginning a self massage therapy regimen, start slowly and work your way up. Determine if you prefer a general self massage or if you need to pinpoint certain areas. Decide which tool or combination of tools is right for you, and learn how to use each one properly. This will allow you to perform the safest and most effective self massage for pain relief.
This article is for informational purposes only and is not meant to replace the advice of a physician. If you have long-term pain or pain that is not relieved by self massage, please contact your family physician or physical therapist.
1) The Comfort Store; Wooden Massage Roller; The Comfort Store
2) Walgreens; GoFit Ultimate Foam Massage Roll, 6×18 inch; Walgreens
3) Walgreens; GoFit Ultimate Foam Massage Roll, 6×36 inch; Walgreens
4) eCrater; FibroBag Fibromyalgia Massage Pillow; eCrater
5) Pretty Like Me, Inc.; Bonnie Lee Goulding Enterprises – Formerly Pain Eraser 2; Amazon WebStore
6) The Comfort Store Direct; Body Back Buddy – Self Massage Tool; The Comfort Store Direct
Find out and book a mobile full body sensual massage in London here