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In times of quick fixes one single type of massage stands out of all the group of massage for its works on healing both mind and the body. This massage is basically the works of sages somewhere around 5000 years ago who developed this type of massage. “Abhyanaga” or Ayurvedic oil massage is very common feature of many spas that offer Ayurvedic treatment. People although sceptical in the beginning enjoy this massage due to many reasons. Let us take a peek on more detail of this type of massage.
What is “Abhyanaga” ?
“Abhyanaga” is basically a Sanskrit word which is fusion of two simple words “Anga” or the body and “Abhy” which means complete. Thus this massage in a ways means the complete body massage from head to toe thus the name Abhynaga. It is a procedure where one can get a massage of the whole body from head to toe with warm herbal oil. The magic of the massage is the herbal can be chooses according to the need of the client. So if you have osteoporosis one can choose different oil, compare to the oil choose for another health condition.
Who can get this massage?
From a new born child of one day to person who is 100 years or even older can have and enjoy the benefits of Ayurvedic Oil massage. It is advisable that every person should do such type of massage daily if possible or at least as much one can do such massage. Infants, Toddlers, Kids, Teenagers, Pregnant women, senile people are the persons that could be benefited the most by such massage.
Benefits of Abhyanaga:
1]To understand the benefit of this type of massage one need to understand the basic ideology of this massage. Our skin basically have minute pores which do take in and thrown out material. Ayurveda thus have taken benefit of healing and treating different health conditions including staying healthy by the simple idea of using the help of them and thus applying different herbal oil on the skin so that those pores to get nourished and send healing herbs in the body and throw out toxins in form of sweat.
2] Lubrication of each and every joint can be achieved due to such type of treatment. Out body is full of such joints, joints not just of bones, but even of one cell to another. Internal and external lubrication both can be achieved due to such massage.
3] Decrease Fatigue, a feeling of de stress can be achieved with the help of such massage.
4] Increasing the immunity of a person can be also achieved with the help of such massage.
5] Different mental issue are said to be treated with the help of such massages. South Kerala, India does have couple of mental hospital which do administer such massages to heal and treat different conditions of the mind like schizophrenia, irritability and many more.
6] Loss of weight, toning of the muscles, gain and structuring of the muscles all can be achieved with different herbal oil if used in this type of treatment.
Find out and book a mobile full body sensual massage in London here